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No-Bake Cookie Recipe from the Hunnicutt Farm

When I was a kid, Aunt Vicki and Uncle Henry would invite me to go camping with their family. Real camping, sleeping in a tent, "bathing" in the lake, roasting hotdogs over an open fire! Great memories of my childhood. On these trips, my aunt would always bring her famous No-Bake Cookies, my absolute best-loved cookie of all time! When I started my own family these cookies became a favorite for my kids and their friends. So, I want to share our cookie recipe with y'all... I'm sure they will be preferred in your family, too.

Children enjoying the view
Grands love helping with this easy cookie recipe!

This recipe will feed about eight hangry teens, or make about 24 cookies. We always double the batch so there will be some for a few days. After gathering your ingredients, boiling the chocolate mixture, and dropping the cookies it will be about 45 minutes until you can taste the deliciousness! Enjoy!

No-bake cookie recipe ingredients
Ingredients for our No-bake Cookie recipe. Don't skip on the name brands, taste matters. :)

No-Bake Cookie Ingredients

  • 4 Tbs. Hershey Cocoa

  • 2 C. Sugar

  • 1/2 C. Butter (not margarine) (bring to room temperature)

  • 1/2 C. Whole Milk

  • 1/2 C. Extra Crunchy Jif Peanut Butter (because choosey moms choose Jif)

  • 2 tsp. vanilla

  • 3 C. Quaker Oats

Tools Needed for Our Cookie Recipe!

  • Thick bottom pot to prevent scorching

  • Wooden spoon or spachula

  • Wax paper or aluminum foil (I use wax paper)

  • Measuring cup

  • Measuring spoons

  • Pot holders

Step 1: Let's Get Started!

Combine the Hershey Cocoa and sugar in the cooking pot, mix throughly. Add the butter and milk, turn on the heat and keep it low until the butter is completely melted and the ingredients become well blended. Once blended, turn the heat up to a medium/high.

Watch closely so that it won't scorch, stirring occasionally. I use a dutch oven (pot) because of the thicker bottom, to help prevent scorching.

Step 2: Get the Table Ready to Drop Cookies

Wax paper is great for dropping your cookies. This process of dropping your cookies needs to happen quickly before the chocolate firms completely. Lay the paper while waiting for the chocolate mixture to boil.

Step 3: Boil Three Full Minutes

Bring to a rolling boil, then let the mixture boil for three full minutes. Don't let it boil much longer or the cookies will turn out too dry and crumble. Turn off the burner. Quickly mix in the peanut butter and vanilla. When the peanut better is well blended, remove the pot from the heat and add the oats while continuing to stir.

Step 4: Drop Those Cookies!

When all oats are well coated, quickly move the pot to the table and begin dropping spoonfuls of cookie mixture on the wax paper. You will notice the mixture starting to firm as you continue to drop. Don't be overly concerned with the shape of the cookies, they ALL taste DELICIOUS!

You may have small crumbles by the end of dropping, you can press them together to make a cookie, use them in an ice cream Sunday, or just eat them! (Tip: I was told there are no calories in crumbs!)

No-bake cookies
No-bake cookies, family favorite and easy to make!

Making Memories & Cookies

No-bake cookies are easy-peasy, lemon-squeeze! Get your children and grandchildren to help. They will have fun creating wonderful memories, sharing in a little family time and sneaking in a math lesson (measuring). Hope you and your family enjoy making and eating these cookies! If you made and enjoyed these cookies, please like, leave a comment or photo.

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1 comentario

13 jul 2024

Great memories Annette. So glad you shared these times with us. These cookies are still one of our families favorites.

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